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I teach wisdom
seekers eternal principles

Christopher Newman educates leaders and managers on the essentials of Spiritual and Cultural Literacy. He defines the personal and systemic resources needed to transform grief to goodness, and teaches frameworks proven to keep relationships on track to success.

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Christopher addressing the Auckland Council Governing Body on Democracy in October 2023.

Christopher Newman educates leaders and managers on the essentials of Spiritual and Cultural Literacy. He defines the personal and systemic resources needed to transform grief to goodness, and teaches frameworks proven to keep relationships on track to success.

Christopher connects the audience’s immediate conditions to wholesome opportunities for growth. Problems are the pinch points for change, and visions of victory motivate that transformation.

Christopher shares from his decades of experience with family, education, business, technology, travel, and culture. His stories bring insights that link the audience member’s past experiences to present patterns, and stimulates them to visualize and build a better future.


About Christopher

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Christopher Newman, a leadership educator, demonstrates the advantages of Spiritual Literacy and Cultural Literacy to guide the soul’s progress.


His lifetime of experience instructs individuals, families, groups and establishments to better, wiser outcomes, based on insights from Western Christian philosophy and Japanese Zen practice.

Christopher’s leadership competence is founded on decades of active engagement with people in education, business, and community organizations. His qualifications include a Master’s Degree in education, a Bachelor’s Degree in sociology, a Teachers College Diploma, and attendance at the Unification Theological Seminary.

If you seek an innovator for your next event who will educate, entertain, and inspire transformation of your people’s personal and professional activities, while remaining connected to the deeper currents of truth, life, and love, Christopher Newman is your go-to guide.


Christopher's Talks

I, Me and History

Creative Free Will is Your Superpower in the Now. How you can transform your past “me” and future “me” by living in the present as “I”; learn about the best choices and principles to grow a new future.

Take away points:

1) Get a solid grip on your present reality.
2) Focus on the moment and accept the past.
3) Face your superpower of choice and use it wisely.


New tomorrow, fresh today

Ancient stories empower us to explain today’s crises and their solutions. We repeat psycho-social patterns because cultures program behavior for specified outcomes. Only a fresh take on the human story can transform our crises and stresses into the foundations required to build a new world of health and sanity.

Take away points:

1) Today presents us with the past legacy plus a fresh opportunity that will define tomorrow.
2) Use the past story to expose your patterns and strategise them for change.
3) Choose what works now and abandon the unhealthy.

Managing your Unseen

Discover how Spiritual and Cultural Literacy brings the invisible into focus. Today’s emphasis on physical fitness highlights the need for spiritual and cultural fitness. What are the essentials for spiritual fitness and healthy culture? How do I develop my inner life while avoiding the pitfalls of deceit, denial, and dullness?

Take away points:

1) Recognise your junk habits/thoughts and healthy habits/thoughts by their “fruit” or outcome.
2) Get smart, be honest about what influences/motivates your decisions.
3) Make a healthy choice about the direction your choices will take you.


Christopher's Books

Published Book

Fraud Plunder Treason And Our Treaty

“Fraud, Plunder, Treason and Our Treaty” rips the lid off the Treatyist industry to expose its racket of money, power grabs and corruption. In 1975 the Parliament passed a fraudulent statute, The Treaty of Waitangi Act, which imposes on us racist divisive legislation. That Act enables a massive rip-off of public assets, supervised by the Waitangi Tribunal. Politicians, Iwi elites, academics and media promote the Freeman document as their fake English Treaty to justify their crimes. They deny James Busby’s authoritative English draft of February 4th 1840 - for its words expose their sins. Who can correct the Parliament and its agencies when they go wrong? We, the people of New Zealand, are the lawful and legal force to resist and redress a rogue government that has violated Our Treaty. This brave-hearted book goes where few would tread. It exposes the Treatyists as white-collar criminals and provides you with a practical people-power remedy to terminate top-down dictatorship.


Draft Books

Chris Newman's Spiritual and Cultural Literacy

Back cover for Spiritual and Cultural Literacy
Spiritual and Cultural Literacy

Christopher's Testimonials

“Chris Newman is a highly entertaining speaker. I can recommend him for his ability to hold the attention of his audience in the palm of his exuberant hand. His deep knowledge of geopolitics, of history and its myriad lessons, of human psyche and much else, give his speeches an edge that will stay with the people long after his intelligent, thought provoking, humorous, and singular presentation is over."

Liz Gunn

media presenter, Party Leader New Zealand Loyal.

“Chris Newman never fails to entertain his audience with his informative theatrical delivery style, humor, and his sharp mind.”

Peter Marshall

Executive, national level

Chris’s wisdom-based presentations and counselling bring common sense to your opportunities for change. He exposes the risks dangers and benefits of cultures and spiritualities. Chris's strategies for overcoming obstacles and developing the “inner you” make sense and are entirely practicable.” 

Charles Pierard

media announcer and healer.

Having worked meetings with with Chris Newman, I note his deliciously sharp wit, incredible grasp and depth of subject matter, and formidable abilities in most areas. 

Russ Ward

Convenor Hamilton Common Law Assembly.


Contact Christopher

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Contact Details

Call: +64221933980 

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